Has your child been asked to leave their childcare setting?
Need new childcare NOW in Orange County?
Children’s Home Society for child care referrals. Click here or call (714) 543-2273.
For a listing of child care programs serving children with special needs click here and select from “special needs” drop down when completing child care referral form.
Choosing Child Care When Your Child Has Challenging Behavior: Handle With Care
Need help with your child’s behavior?
There are a variety of helpful resources in Orange County to support children and families experiencing behavioral challenges. Please call Help Me Grow at 1 (866) GROW-025, 1 (866) 476-9025, for free assistance in navigating resources.
Do you want tips on effective behavior management?
It can be very stressful during this time; are you feeling at the end of your line and need someone to talk to?
The Boys Town National Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for parents and kids who need help. Reach out and get the help you need by calling